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Friday 6 December 2013

Step 2: How to Dribble a Soccer Ball


Dribbling is the most used skill in the game of Soccer. Without learning this skill, it is impossible to play the game. Dribbling involves lightly tapping the ball with your feet, dragging it forward or in a particular direction with every touch. This is what is referred to as ‘running with the ball’.


Now as far as dribbling is concerned, there is no fixed technique to carry the ball. The skill of dibbling is open to a lot of creativity, and this fact makes dribbling one of the most exciting skills to learn. In its most basic form, you will use the area of the shoe which is just around the laces, slightly towards the outer side, as shown in the figure. However, other surfaces like the inner side of the area around the laces, as well as the area immediately below the laces is also used while dribbling. Remember to lock your ankle, i.e, do not keep the ankle too loose when you take a touch to move the ball forward. Also, one of the important points to remember is that your touch should not drag the ball too far from your feet.With every touch, you should try keeping the ball as close to your feet as possible.

Here is a Youtube video by LiveStrong that explains how to dribble a soccer ball.

How to Practice

Here is what you do -
  1. Either set up two cones or mark two points on a surface, which are 15-20 yards from each other.
  2. Stand at one point with the ball. Start dribbling the ball with your dominant foot using the technique mentioned above, and move towards the other point.
  3. When you reach the other point, dribble back to the original point by using your other foot.
  4. As you get better, try to use other surfaces of your foot to knock the ball forward. Also, try to increase your speed once you are comfortable practicing at a slow speed.
Here is a Youtube video by OnlineSoccerAcademy that shows how to practice dribbling a soccer ball.

Important Tip : When you start getting comfortable with dribbling, start keeping your head up while dribbling. Initially this may be very tough, but start doing this once a while and you would slowly get used to it. This is very important as it will help you improve your vision. However, do not get overwhelmed if you cannot achieve this in the beginning, as this is a very difficult skill to master. We will cover it in the advanced steps. The idea right now should be to incorporate this whenever you can.

Practice Objective

You should continue practicing this drill till you naturally feel comfortable running with the ball and using more than one surface of your foot to carry the ball forward. If you are able to dribble the ball back and forth between the two points 10 times ( in all 5 rounds), without losing control of the ball and at a decent speed, the you have achieved your objective.

Practice Duration

A 20 minutes practice session should be sufficient.

Usefulness in Game Situations

To understand the importance of correct dribbling, take a look at this Youtube video byleomessirules10 which shows the dribbling skills of Linoel Messi, who is arguably the best soccer player in the world.


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